These bowls are same the plain bowl with the comparison of effectiveness additional to some decorative symbols or scriptures on them. So usually in hand made bowls even are carving are done with hand. There are lots of designs that are carved on the bowls. Most commonly carved design is “OM MANE PADME HUM” the mantra of compassion which is said to have divine power in itself. So when therapy or meditation is done with the bowl having this mantra it is believed that with every sound or vibration produced by the bowl the same mantra is being recited at the same time. Therefore the sound or vibration produced by the bowl is believed to effect much more positively.
The bowl containing the carving of eight auspicious symbols also have same kind of belief. The eight symbols which are: conch symbolizing the melodious sound of dharma/ parasol symbolizing the protection against negativity,/fishes symbolizing the fearlessness and ability to swim without drowning in the ocean of sufferings/ victory banner symbolizing the victory over negativeness of one’s body, speech and mind/ dharma wheel symbolizing the realization of dharma teachings of Buddha/ lotus flower symbolizing the pure nature of nirvana/ vase symbolizing the long life, wealth and endless prosperity/ endless knot symbolizing the endless relation of sufferings and enlightenment. So if therapy or meditation is done with bowl having these symbols is believed to pass all these auspicious blessings to the person.
And if the bowl having different bodhisattva figures are used then the blessings of particular bodhisattva will be passed on. A beautifully hand crafted carved bowl can be used as a gift or a souvenir which
many of our customers delights at.
First all the metals melted together, then the hot metal alloy is pounded onto a flat stone and when cooled is beaten into the shape of a bowl under maximum tension without cracking it. That’s why we can see dent marks on the bowls which were result of the hammering. Healing bowls produce different sounds as their variation in thinness and thickness. Every metal manifest its individual sound and harmony each offering its own exceptional medicine of sound relaxation. The sound produced by the bowl acts as a mental relaxation and the vibration when touch your body acts like a massage. Some of the things that the healing bowls can be used for are as follows:
- Promotion of the energy balance
- Reduction of stress and involved emotions
- Reducing tensions of life force
- Balancing of hemisphere of brain
- Upgrading of creative and imagination
- Elevating
- Helping harmonize body, spirit and soul
- Giving a positive self imagine and empowering assertiveness
Communication with the bowl:
In ancient times, sound was used as a powerful tool for self transformation. The key factor of healing bowl is sound and vibration. That’s how we can use our bowl for different purposes.
1. Place the bowl in the palm of your hand, holding it away from your body. Gong it softly with the gonging stick with your eyes closed and absorb the sound. Listen not only with your ears, but also get in touch with how it makes you feel and how your body responds. One will have an intuitive sense of which bowl one is in harmony with instilling feelings of great peace, space and paradoxically profound silence.
2. The, with pressure slowly rub the mallet firmly around the edge. It’ll start to sing quietly and increase in volume with successive rotations. Do not force the sound louder than it wishes to vibrate, otherwise it will rattle unpleasantly. Each bowl has life of its own and sings its unique song. If your body doesn’t respond to the particular bowl try another for a special sound for you. You’ll recognize your sound immediately but you have to experience first to find it.
3. The bowls also may be placed in different parts of your body and gong to feel relaxed and to get massage like feeling. The resonance flows around and through the body, sympathetically tuning and healing it. The intentions is to create harmony of body and heart through the vibration of sound.
4. The bowl may also be placed on small firm cushion. While rubbing each mallet produces a different sound, especially those covered with tape, felt, leather, cork rope or wood.
5. When the bowl is singing, place it close to your lips. By opening and closing your mouth, you’ll hear the various harmonics. Also you can hum or intone directly into, resonating bowl. The voice reinforces what ears are hearing and creates a circuit connecting the ears with the voice resulting in a more focused listening mode.
6. The shape of sound becomes visible when you rub the bowl filled with water. It then hums the vibration sounds of the healing bowls are ideal for stilling the mind and brining it into a centered clarity.
Exercises with the bowls:
- Lying down in relaxed way and placing the bowls on the different parts of the body, such as stomach, chest or even the head you can observe the effects of sounds and vibrations in as many ways as possible. Sitting in a chair you can try putting physical sensation as well as the different sounds.
- Larger bowls certainly, it is possible to feel the vibration of the bowl when holding your hands at some distance from the edge, where they are felt as a flow of warm air radiation from the bowl. Now sense the whole sound outside and inside of the bowl.
- Feeling the sound and vibrations as well as absorbing them into your body is to stroke the side of the bowl immediately after it was struck. Also with your tongue or lips and see what feelings or emotions are evoked in different parts of your body.
Try not analyzing, but just experience the sound and vibration. One can develop an inner experience of the relationship between form and sound and even see the form of sound and vibration through adding water on the bowl. Because of the advantages of the healing bowls more and more people are getting into the bowls. Bowls, which can be used for decorations as well as homes, hotels etc. healing bowls don’t have any side effects while using on our human body. Therapist, yoga instructors, music therapist and musicians as well as other who use meditation regularly with the bowls has been exploring and working with these celestial sounds and vibrations.
Seven chakra points

Healing with sound of the bowls:
Many bowl therapists perform aura and chakra treatments. The aura is the ethereal field that surrounds and penetrates objects and living beings that can be perceived by sensitive and clairvoyant people as colored gaze. Our physical and the subtle bodies of the aura ( emotional, mental, sacral, spiritual and ethereal bodies) are inextricably linked and are actually intermingled. The vibrations or music in general of the bowls are caught by ethereal body is the outermost of all these bodies which works as a shield against negative influences. When tears, dark spots and holes appear in the ethereal body as the result of stress, worry, violent emotions one can no longer function adequately and physically as well as psychologically out of balance. The therapist will intuitively hear, see and feel whether there are any weak spots in the aura ad if so where they are?
The most important chakras are wheel shaped energy centers at the level endocrine glands, which form connections between the physical body and cosmic energy passing through the aura. The chakra also corresponds to a number of important acupuncture points, linked to a particular color, element, tone and number of precious stones. The chakras play an important role in physical and psychological health.
Crown chakra (B)
The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is connected with the elements of cosmic consciousness of infinity. The corresponding tone is B and the colors associated with the chakra are violet or white. The corresponding stones are amethyst and feldspar. Through the crown chakras you can contact mystical cosmic elements and achieve enlightenment, non-duality and ecstasy. If it’s clocked this can result in spiritual or mental confusion, depression or apathy.
Third Eye Chakra (A)
The forehead chakra is related to the pineal gland and therefore with the elements of light or spirit. The corresponding tone is A and the color is indigo. The corresponding stones include azurite, lapis lazuli and blue sapphire. In additions to is related to clairvoyance, intuition and introspection. If it is blocked this can lead to visual problems and headaches.
Throat Chakra (G)
The element of the throat chakra is related with endocrine glands are thyroid and the hypothalamus. This chakra corresponds to the color blue and tone G, the corresponding stones are aquamarine, turquoise and lapis lazuli. This chakra is responsible for creativity, singing, speaking and inner hearing. If it is blocked this could lead to hearing problems, stiff neck and shoulders, thyroids disorders and pain in the arms and hands.
Heart Chakras (F)
The heart chakra is connected with the thymus and the element air. The corresponding color is green and the tone is F. The corresponding stones include emerald, chrysalides and aventurine. This is the chakra of unconditional love, compassion and free will of the self. If it is blocked this can lead to heart and lungs disorders and high blood pressure.
Solar Plexus Chakra (E)
The solar plexus of the Solaris symbolizes the fire element and is connected to the pancreas and adrenal glands. The color is yellow and the corresponding tone is E. the stone that’s corresponds to this chakra are Amber, citrine and golden topaz. This chakra accommodates self-confidence, power and energy as well as the deeper emotions. If it is blocked this can lead to the problems such as diabetes, hypoglycemia and stomach disorders
Sacral Chakra (D)
The sacral chakra is related to the male and female reproductive gland, the testicles and the ovaries. The element is water and the color is orange and corresponding tone is D. The precious stones that correspond to the chakra are Carnelian, fiery opal and moon stone. It is responsible for sexuality anteing to belong to a group and being able to relate to others. If it is clocked this can lead to problems with the lower back, the kidneys, the womb or the bladder and fertility.
Root Chakras (C)
This chakra is located at the base of the spine also knows as the base or root chakra corresponding to the earth element and is connected to the adrenal glands. The corresponding color is red and the tone is C. the stones that corresponds to this chakra include hematite, red jasper and ruby. This chakra accommodates the need for security, survival, a feeling of being rooted or grounded and the awareness of the body. If it is blocked this can lead to constipation, sciatica and corpulence.